Public holidays: 28 September 2014 28 October 2014 17, November 2014 24-26 December 2014, 1 January 2015 6 April 2015 (Easter), 1 May 2015 8 May 2015, 5 July 2015, 6 July 2015
Beginning of the academic year
Type of programme: ISCED 5A:
Institutions are autonomous. The academic year usually begins during September or early October.
Type of programme: ISCED 5B:
1 September 2014 (the exact date is set by the school head in accordance with the accredited educational programme).
Teaching activity and holidays of the academic year
Type of programme: ISCED 5A:
All periods of teaching activity and holidays are fixed by institutions in internal regulations.
Type of programme: ISCED 5B:
The exact dates are set by the school head in accordance with the educational programme, the period of teaching must be 40 weeks per academic year (32 for teaching at school, 6 for self study and examinations and 2 weeks of time reserve). The exact days of holidays are set by the school head in accordance with the accredited educational programme. At least 4 weeks are set for holidays.
Examinations of the academic year
Type of programme: ISCED 5A:
Examination periods are fixed by institutions in internal regulations.
Type of programme: ISCED 5B:
The exact days are set by the school head in accordance with the accredited educational programme.
End of the academic year
Type of programme: ISCED 5A:
Institutions are autonomous. The academic year ends on the day before the new one begins.
Type of programme: ISCED 5B:
31 August 2015